Sunday, November 30, 2014


   Last summer, I went to Iceland for a vacation with my mom and dad.
It was absolutely beautiful!  We took this picture there.  Just looking at this one picture makes you want to go, doesn't it!?  I highly recommend a trip here.  We only stayed in Iceland for four days because we didn't know what it would be like and we had other plans for Amsterdam and Germany as well.  Four days was simply not enough!  It was amazing, everything.  But we only had four days to take it all in!  Iceland may not be that big, but there is just so much to do!  When we were there, we hiked up a volcano that was active just 35 years ago!  The climb was very tough and when you got to the top, you could see how steep it really was.  The view was absolutely breathtaking.  I wanted to stay up there forever.  I don't think that view would ever get old.  We also saw a huge waterfall when we climbed up Mt. Glymur. And we rode on a ferry boat to a small island 40 minutes away from Iceland and climbed lots of big hills and volcanoes!  After all that I've told you, wouldn't it be just amazing to live in Iceland?  To wake up every morning and see huge mountains, waiting for you to climb them?  Rivers and streams that you can see to the very bottom, even if it's thirty feet down?  To have an ocean just an hour away?  That would be amazing.  If this isn't enough to convince you to go, look up more pictures and read other people's descriptions!  I want everyone to experience what I did!  :)

Friday, November 28, 2014

The Parts of a Cello

 This may be some valuable knowledge to have one day...

Can You Read This? Continued...

I can read it!  Can you?

Can You Read This?


My name is Grace and I am here to bring you the world of everything.  That means that when you look at this blog you will not see one thing like recipes, but a bunch of other stuff like drawings and books and animals and coffee and pictures.  Everything.  Yes, elephants too.  So, sit back and relax as you read the wondrous posts you will find at this blog.  Maybe eat some popcorn too.  I don't know.
Enjoy the world of everything!